West Point Hurricane Evacuation Route

Hurricane season is here, and we want to ensure you’re prepared. Thank you to the Town of West Point you can be prepared with this Virginia Hurricane Evacuation Guide that was prepared by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. Hard copies of this guide will be available in Town Hall in downtown West Point. Other […]
Introducing Member Matt Cash

Today we’ll be introducing you to Matt Cash! Matt started with us a few months ago because he felt a somewhat personal connection to the community. He’s excited to build relationships with his peers at WPVFD and learn the different ways that we tackle daily tasks and incidents in the fire service. Some of you […]
Cops & Bobbers Fishing Event with West Point Police Department

Thanks to The West Point Police Department for inviting us to participate in their “Cops and Bobbers” fishing event for kids! We were able to give some future firefighters rides on our rescue boat and each got to steer for a little while! Also, some of our personnel helped the little ones bring in a […]
National EMS Week 2023: We Are Celebrating!

We’re celebrating EMS Week this week! We’re proud of all of our EMS providers! Thank you for all that you do for us and the community!
Boating Season Is Here: Are You Keeping Safe?

Keeping everybody safe while out on the water. Boats can be a great source of summer fun and leisure. But boaters, swimmers, and marina staff must be aware of dangers in and around the water. Electrical hazards and carbon monoxide (CO) bring unique risks to the boating world. Learn to protect people and pets from […]
Can Your House Be Easily Identified?

When emergency strikes – will responders be able to clearly identify your house? The top thing you can do is to make certain that your home is clearly marked with your address. Below are some visibility tips so that first responders can easily locate your house in an emergency: Visible from Both Directions Posting your […]
Wildfires in Virginia – Keeping Your House Safe

Every year, wildfires burn across the U.S., and more and more people are living where wildfires are a real risk. Virginia’s leading cause of wildfire is escaped debris burning. By working together, residents can make their own property — and their neighborhood — much safer from wildfire. Here are five actionable steps you can take […]
Celebrating the WPVFD Family – Carnival Style

On Saturday, March 25, 2023, the West Point Volunteer Fire Department family came together to celebrate their successes of 2022 in our annual awards banquet. What started out as a cloudy and rainy day, turned into a perfect afternoon with clear skies! Our Awards Banquet had a twist to the theme this year…carnival style and […]
Today’s Forecast: Thunderstorms

As the temperature begins to rise, and with springs arrival comes the potential for the chances of severe weather. Don’t wait until the day of the storm to begin protecting yourself and your property. Know the differences between watches and warnings: Watches – severe weather is possible and conditions are favorable for severe weather. Warnings […]
Off Road Vehicle Safety

The dangers of riding off-road vehicles (OHVs) are real and include overturning, collisions and occupant ejection. CPSC’s latest data show an annual average of more than 700 deaths and an estimated 100,000 emergency department-treated injuries involving OHVs. From 2016 through 2018, there were 2,211 deaths in the United States associated with OHVs, which includes all-terrain […]