NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the West Point Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad, Inc. located in West Point, Virginia (the Issuer), will allow for public comment through Friday, October 20, at 4 pm., via email at [email protected] or via phone at 804-761-5335, for the purpose of satisfying the public hearing requirements of Section 147(f) of […]

Fire Pit Safety

Fire pit aflame with two empty chairs and dark forest

Fire pits are a fun summer and fall past time as well as a tool for clearing property. While clearing brush around your home remember to be safe while having burn piles and fire pits. If you are having a fire pit in your back yard or while camping, remember to stay alert and use […]

Hurricane Preparedness, Part Two: Emergency Kits

Flooded road after hurricane

Hurricane Preparedness, Part 2 Each year, many coastal communities experience threats from hurricanes including heavy rains, strong winds, rip currents, floods and coastal storm surges from tropical storms and hurricanes. A hurricane may spawn tornadoes. Torrential rains cause further damage by causing floods and landslides, which not only threaten coastal communities but may impact communities […]

Back to School Safety

close up of a school bus stop sign on the side of a bus

Back to School Safety Some 25 million students nationwide begin and end their day with a trip on a school bus. Designed for safety, with flashing lights, giant mirrors, stop-sign arms and that bright yellow color, students are far more likely to get to school safely when taking a school bus than traveling by car, […]

Hurricane Preparedness….Are You Ready?

tropical hurricane approaching the USA.Elements of this image are furnished by NASA.

Hurricane Preparedness….Are You Ready? NOAA has increased its prediction for the ongoing 2023 Atlantic hurricane season to an above-normal level of activity. Record-warm Atlantic sea surface temperatures are likely to counterbalance the ongoing El Nino event. It’s not too late to prepare! Hurricanes are huge tropical storms that move in a counterclockwise spiral. They form […]

Outdoor Grilling Safety – Tips for Grilling Safe

Very dirty grill after summer grilling (focus on grate)

There’s nothing like outdoor grilling. It’s one of the most popular ways to cook food. But, a grill placed too close to anything that can burn is a fire hazard. They can be very hot, causing burn injuries. Follow these simple tips and you will be on the way to safe grilling. Only use your […]

Volunteer with the West Point Volunteer Fire Department

Firefighter starting generator to operate training device

Volunteer with the West Point Volunteer Fire Department WPVFD is proud to offer volunteers the opportunity to embark on a challenging and rewarding career path in public service. As a member of our department, you will have access to a comprehensive mentoring program designed to support your growth and development. We believe in nurturing talent […]

Personal Protective Equipment Training

firefighters gathered around practicing putting on and taking off personal protective equipment as part of their training academy

Training Academy There is a lot going on around the station these days. Here are a few photos of some of our recruits during fire academy training this past weekend. Students concentrated on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), specifically on acclimating to the weight and dexterity required while wearing Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).  

Take The First Step: Become a Volunteer Today!

Firefighter starting generator to operate training device

Our free training gives you the skills, knowledge, and ability to make a difference. Take the first step to be part of something bigger. Volunteer with us – Apply today! Volunteering Opportunities – West Point Volunteer Fire Department (