Using CPR to Save A Life

CPR – or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest.


step by step guideline to performing CPR
Shared with permission from our friends at U.S. First Responders Association


Hand Placement and Position

  • When performing CPR on adults, caregivers should use both hands that are interlocked and placed between the nipples.
  • For children ages one through eight, caregivers hands should use one hand placed between the nipples.
  • Only two fingers should be used when CPR is performed on infants and should be placed just below the nipple line.

Chest Compressions

  • When performing CPR on adults and children ages one through eight, the caregiver should press down two inches.
  • When performing CPR on infants, the caregiver should press down one and a half inches.
  • Caregivers should perform 30 compressions at 100-120 compressions per minute to allow the chest to recoil between compressions. Immediately follow compressions with rescue breaths.

Visit the American Heart Association website to learn more about performing CPR.