Today’s Forecast: Thunderstorms

As the temperature begins to rise, and with springs arrival comes the potential for the chances of severe weather.
Don’t wait until the day of the storm to begin protecting yourself and your property.

Know the differences between watches and warnings:

Watches – severe weather is possible and conditions are favorable for severe weather.
Warnings – severe conditions have begun or will begin soon.

Do you know the severe weather risk categories?
– Thunderstorms: (no label):
No severe storms expected
Lightning/flooding threats exist with all storms
– Marginal: (MRGL):
Isolated severe storms possible
Limited in duration and/or coverage and/or intensity
– Slight: (SLGT):
Scattered severe storms possible
Short-lived and/ or not widespread, isolated intense storms
– Enhanced: (ENH):
Numerous severe storms possible
More persistent and/or widespread, a few intense
– Moderate: (MDT):
Widespread severe storms likely
Long-lived, widespread and intense
– High: (HIGH):
Widespread severe storms expected
Long-lived, very widespread and particularly intense
Tornadoes, large hail, strong winds, flooding, and lightning are all hazards associated with severe weather. Severe weather has been reported in all 50 states, so no matter where you are, you need to be prepared.

Remember, when it ROARS, grab your pets and go indoors!
For more safety tips on how you can prepare for severe weather check out: