Celebrating the WPVFD Family – Carnival Style

West Point Volunteer Fire Department members Deputy Chief Andrew Smith, President Jeanna Wilson, Bob Wade and Chief Spencer Cheatham

On Saturday, March 25, 2023, the West Point Volunteer Fire Department family came together to celebrate their successes of 2022 in our annual awards banquet. What started out as a cloudy and rainy day, turned into a perfect afternoon with clear skies! Our Awards Banquet had a twist to the theme this year…carnival style and […]

Virginia Burn Ban – February 15th – April 30th

Guy wearing hat is burning brush in a field next to the woods in the winter.

Each year from February 15th through April 30th the 4:00 pm Virginia burn ban goes into effect. The Virginia 4:00 pm burn law states that no open-air burning within 300ft of woods or dry grass is allowed except between 4:00 pm and midnight. Any burning after 4:00 pm requires the proper precautions and someone who […]

Emergency Vehicle Driver Training

Our operational members are certified in emergency vehicle driving/operations. VA certification class is 16 hours. Then members spend many additional hours with our mentors/preceptors gaining necessary knowledge time behind the wheel before being released as a driver for the department.

Did you know that our operational members must be certified in Emergency Vehicle Driving/Operations prior to becoming an Emergency Vehicle Driver? There are a few steps to become a certified emergency vehicle driver. Members are required to participate in a 16-hour training to receive their certification. There is a list of approved training programs in […]

Welcome Our Newest Member – Elle

Elle stands in front of the West Point Volunteer Fire Department ambulance

It’s a wonderful thing when we have new West Point Volunteer Fire Department Members to introduce to our community! This month we are super excited to introduce Elle. While she may be only 18, Elle is quite the accomplished young lady. A pilots license?😮She’s also into marksman sports. She enjoys travel and the challenge of […]